The Private Practitioners at People House are a vibrant community of healing arts professionals in private practice.

About the Community
People House’s unique community has evolved into a vibrant center for personal and spiritual growth offering a variety of modalities dedicated to fostering mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health through counseling, group support, and education. We are extremely appreciative of the professionals offering services here because it contributes to the richness of service at People House by offering educational opportunities and referral options, providing an invaluable resource for the People House counseling internship. The depth of experience that our counseling interns are offered as a result of this in-house collaborative community is unmatched. Additionally, this community offers our graduating interns an option for transitioning into private practice in a supportive and familiar environment. We prioritize offering practitioner space to graduating interns who wish to stay active in the People House community; each term approximately half of our graduates choose to continue on at People House as they foster their growing professional experience and opportunities.
About the Practitioners
The practitioners are to conduct their practice of healing, education and/or growth according to the ethics and guidelines of their particular field. In addition, they should maintain a belief in the wisdom of the individual that is in harmony with the basic People House philosophy.
We want to make it clear that everyone offering services at People House is an independent healing art professional in private practice and therefore is to be held solely and totally responsible to all who make use of their services. This includes all ministers, professionals, and anyone using People House space for any and all activities. People House is not to be held responsible for problems that may result in the carrying out of their services to you. Additionally, since each person is considered a distinct and independent business, no practitioner at People House is to be held responsible for problems that may result with another practitioner. Ultimately, of course, we feel that it is YOU who are responsible for the choices you make of who and what method you may choose for your education and healing process. We suggest you trust your inner wisdom to lead you in the right direction.
About the Logistics
All practitioners maintain their own schedules. Please contact them directly for information about groups, workshops or personal appointments.
Should you feel that a practitioner is not conducting their practice according to the ethics and guidelines of their particular field, you may wish to contact the licensing Department at the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies 303-894-7855.

Core Practitioners
Core Practitioners at People House offer mental health counseling, complementary and alternative medicine, nutritional education, life skills coaching, and more.

Adjunct Practitioners
Adjunct Practitioners at People House are a vibrant community of healing arts professionals in private practiceÂ

The ministers at People House are non-denominational and non-sectarian. They are available for one-on-one spiritual facilitation, run a variety of workshops, and are available for weddings, baptisms and other events.